Mao Zedong (Dec 26, 1893 - Sep 9, 1976), till his death in 1976, had retained his unquestionable place in the Politburo of the Communist Party of China since 1943 and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China since 1945. As a prominent leader and a veteran having fought many battles, Mao, during the Chinese Civil War, led the Chinese Communist Party to a series of voctories that drove the kuomintang and its troops to the island Taiwan in the south of China
n. pl. pol·it·bu·ros
1) The chief political and executive committee of a Communist party
1) A member of a Marxist-Leninist party.
2) A supporter of such a party or movement.
3) A Communard. often communist A radical viewed as a subversive or revolutionary
Dataran Merdeka's most memorable event took place on Aug 31, 1957 at exactly 12.01am. This was the day that Malaysia won its Independence from the British; at that moment, the Union Jack was lowered and the Malayan flag was raised amidst cries of "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" that will always resonate in the hearts of Malaysians.
1) Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
2) A political or social unit that has such a government.
3) The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
4) Majority rule.
5) The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.
Yes, DEMOCRACY !! but how come I feel like I still living as though in Communist World!
Reasons 01:
Leave that never going to be APPROVED

Reasons 02:
Forced to work during weekend

Last but NOT LEAST !
Reasons 03:

Reincarnation + Revolution

1) Rebirth of the soul in another body.
2) A reappearance or revitalization in another form; a new embodiment: “The brownstone had already endured one reincarnation: In the 1940's, it was converted into eight studio apartments”
Ngai Ti
That's Why!
By : Roy