Greeted Bali with a morning walk along Kuta Beach, the weather was a little cloudy and very windy. Tide was out, the beach seems to stretch forever and I was so tempted to walk for kilometers north or south, dunno la, maybe east or west also because I got no sense of direction. Lemme think again arr......okay should be north or south then :P
Everybody knows that Kuta Beach it's famous for it's superduperawesome breathtaking scenic beauty SUNSET, but why is that no one knows that Kuta Beach also have an amazing bravura magnificent splendid SUNRISE as well? Okay, the reason it's rather simple, because all are party animals and cannot get up in the morning!

I took my breakfast at my hotel's i-Balcony restaurant, I really really really like the American Breakfast and Balinese Coffee! But only for the 1st day lah, because it kept repeating the same breakfast menu for the next 5 days in the row. :(

My driver+tour guide reached at my hotel at least 20 seconds earlier than I expected, and I was baking black forest when he knocked on my door. BTW his name is Made, very patient and friendly person. Patient as in he drove his car safely along the way and friendly mmmh ...he talked a little too much in the car and I couldn't really focus on my soul searching. I passed him a paper where I listed down all the places I wanted to go, in sequence, and I requested him that I would be more more more happier if he could just follow the sequence I arranged. He looked at the paper and I saw his eyes bulging a little. He smiled at me and asked politely if he could do a little bit of adjustment on the sequence of those places I would like to go. Without waiting for my answer he continued again, ini tempat kat Utara, ini kat Timur, lepas itu balik lagi Utara, dan pergi Barat, and he laughed out loud. Okay Made you won! So my 2nd day trip kicked off with:
1) Buddha Statues on the road side
Basically nothing really special, it's just a statue anyway. But I couldn't stop myself from firing the shutter. Well, the photos turned out good though and I really like it.

2) Balinese Traditional HouseThe house is a collection of huts and house temple, within a private courtyard and it was still inhabited by the locals. Live chickens and ducks running around and a pigsty behind the house.

3) Monkey Forest Visit early in the day to avoid the crowds. Plenty of paths for walking in the cool shade of the canopy and there were several temples and sacred spring. Take some time and explore the forest thoroughly else you will miss things!

4) Pura Goa GajahMy 1st impression was plenty of stairs to climb, tiring! Some more it started to rain heavily when I reached here. Darn! I was completely drenched and cold! The cave (Goa) itself is a very important archaeological site, as it holds the remains of an ancient Buddhist monument. 1st thing I saw was the Spring water area that comes out from 7 statues, very magnificent view!

5) Ubud
Babi Guling!!! Must tryyyyyy very nice & cheap!! Too bad I didn't get to try the Dirty Duck though. :( Darn! It was still raining non-stop, and I was shivering like mad while having this yummy crispy ooch-ooch :P

6) Titra Empul Tampaksiring
Titra Empul means the gathering of holy water. This holy spring founded in 962AD and restored in 1960s. The springs are believed to have magical cleansing power and there are public baths in the complex.
Due to bad weather, and I was soaking wet. Made suggested to go back hotel early around 4pm or else I might get sick. No point to take this risk. So I agreed with him and I reached my hotel around 5pm.